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Millions of Network games played with people ALL OVER THE WORLD!
Each player gets 13 ROUNDS for scoring.
There are 13 Scoring Categories. Each scoring category can be used only ONCE per round.
For each round you get UP TO THREE ROLLS
and for each roll, you can KEEP or DISCARD any number of dice.
The goal for each round, is to try to build the best hand as possible, using the available OPEN scoring categories.
Remember, as each round passes by, SCORING CATEGORIES get closed up (because you used them on previous rounds), making it harder to score!
Now thats where your dice tactics come in!
Which categories do you aim for, and WHEN should you aim for them?!!!! FUN FUN FUN!!!! Drive's you NUTS too!
Some people are confused on how to score multiple YATZY's! Well heres how!
If you get another YATZY, you MUST select ANY open scoring category
You will get the score for the scoring category, PLUS an extra 100 points for each and every additional YATZY!
You can not just keep hitting the YATZY score category. Why? Because you will end up with more than 13 rounds!
See, there are 13 scoring categories, and 13 rounds. You use up ONE scoring category per round.
If you were allowed to keep hitting the YATZY score category, you would end up with either empty score slots, or additional rounds.
I understand that some of you play a bit differently! Im going to add that way too!!!
because its a funky way to play! and FUNKY is cool!
1's - you count up all the pips with a value of 1. ex. Three Ones, is 3 points
2's - you count up all the pips with a value of 2. ex. Five Twos, is 10 points
3's - you count up all the pips with a value of 3. ex. Two Threes, is 6 points
4's - you count up all the pips with a value of 4. ex. Five Fours, is 20 points
5's - you count up all the pips with a value of 5. ex. Three Fives, is 15 points
6's - you count up all the pips with a value of 6. ex. Two Sixes, is 12 points
3X - Three of a Kind - ALL the pips on ALL the dice are added up. ex. you rolled a 1 3 3 3 5 = 1+3+3+3+5 = 15 points.
4X - Four of a Kind - ALL the pips on ALL the dice are added up. ex. you rolled a 4 2 2 2 2 = 4+2+2+2+2 = 12 points.
FulHse - FULL HOUSE - thats a THREE of a KIND + a PAIR. thats a fixed score of 25 points. ex. 4 4 4 2 2 2 = 25 points.
SmStrt - SMALL STRAIGHT - 30 points
LgStrt - LARGE STRAIGHT - 40 points
Chnc - CHANCE - Add up ALL pips on ALL dice for scoring. Chance is like a fall through. THey can consist of ANY pattern.
Yatzy - FIVE OF A KIND - is a fixed 50 points for your FIRST yatzy! then 100 points for the next ones!
Now why are the categories broken up into an UPPER and LOWER category?
Well, there is an UPPER CATEGORY BONUS!
If you score 63 points or more in the UPPER CATEGORY, you get 35 EXTRA POINTS!
Where the heck did i get this magical 63 points? Did i just make it up?
No.. its a THREE of a KIND in each of the 1's, 2's, 3's, 4's, 5's, and 6's categories.
3 Ones = 3 points
3 Twos = 6 points
3 Threes = 9 points
3 Fours = 12 points
3 Fives = 15 points
3 Sixes = 18 points
3+6+9+12+15+18 = 63 points!

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